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GRC genome issues under review

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Data last updated: 2021-03-03 05:25:56

Genome issues


Regions where an issue with the assembly has been noted or resolved by the GRC.

Display Conventions and Configuration

Each glyph shows a region of the assembly with an issue under review by the GRC. Further details about the issue can be obtained at the URL associated with the issue. The colouring of the issue relates to its status: resolved issues are green, issues that are being actively investigated are yellow, stalled issues are red, whilst issues not falling into any of those categories are grey.


Automated analysis and manual curation. This track is updated weekly.


Data generated by the Genome Reference Consortium. Contact us via or by emailing [email protected]


Church DM, et al. (2011) Modernizing Reference Genome Assemblies. PLoS Biol 9(7): e1001091.